Best Christian Apps for Kids’ Screen Time
The filter is on: only good, quality apps listed here.
Last updated: March, 2025
Best Christian Apps for Kids age 2-16 years
(Roughly in age order, youngest to oldest)
Under 5s
The Bible App for Kids by
Educational 10/10
Fun Factor 9/10
Ages 3-8 years
If you are only ever going to download one app for your children then this is the one. I know I ought to say “Ours is the best!” but honestly, from an educational point of view, the Bible is the basis of everything we believe as Christians and this is the best Bible app for kids around. It should be, it’s been around a long time and has a wealth of support behind it (it is made by YouVersion in association with OneHope). With 41 interactive stories in multiple languages, each with their own activity, awards to achieve, stars to earn and diamonds to collect this app has it all. The questions help children to remember the story. It been made with 6-8 year olds in mind but is intuitive enough for a 2 year old to play and interesting enough to play again and again and again. My oldest daughters outgrew this by the time they were 9 so between 3-8 years is the real sweet spot for this app.
#Free #KidsBible #Games #Curriculum #MultipleLanguages
God for Kids: Bible Devotional by Ruach Resources
Educational: 10/10
Fun Factor 8/10
Ages 4-8 years
As a complement to your Bible reading, our app is a great Bible study or devotional app to help kids understand the meaning behind the Bible verses. It’s great for kids who have no church or Christian background as it starts with 7 ‘Intro’ devotions, explaining who God is, what God is like, what the Bible is and how to pray. Kids grow in faith and understanding as the play through the Trinity adventures: God is Big (Father), The Jesus Adventure and the Holy Spirit Map. At the end of every ‘devotion’ there’s a reward of fun; either a matching game or dot-to-dot. You collect diamonds as you play and can use them to listen to bedtime stories, change the music or watch a kids worship song or short animation.
This app is one of our many resources designed to share the goodness of God with the next generation and goes well with the ‘Animals of Eden Valley’ reading books (available direct from us or on Amazon and other online bookstores).
The main downside to this app is that it’s too short. It has only 31 devotions. To help us add more, please consider donating a penny or two to our charity.
#Free #BibleStudy #Devotional #Games #Family #FamilyWorship #AudioStories #Animations
SunScool by Nikolay Abkairov
Educational: 10/10
Fun Factor 9/10
Ages 2-100
Known as the Sunday school app, this app has over 600 Bible lessons plus unique animated stories ideal for those who can’t get to Sunday School so they can learn from home. It is jam-packed with games and activities and you earn diamonds as you learn which you can ‘spend’ in a store to listen to songs, stories or watch videos. New lessons and animations are being added to this app all the time. The activities are tailored to the player’s age, which you enter when you start to play, and this is unique among Christian Bible apps. You can also choose from over 16 languages - including English US and English UK - amazing!
#Free #BibleStudy #Curriculum #Animations #Games #Lessons #MultipleLanguages #MultipleAges
Evergrace: Kids Bible Stories by Evergrace & Co.
Educational 5/10
Fun Factor 5/10
Ages 4-12
This is a beautifully made app, with high quality content and gorgeous voiceovers. You'll love the soft, Australian accents telling a variety of stories that are just perfect for your little one to listen to during a quiet time or even fall asleep to. Each story reveals something about the character of God in a lovely, friendly, sometimes funny story. “Our 5 year old daughter loves this last thing at night; I can easily create a quick play list of 1 or 2 stories and set it to ‘sleep’ meaning I can walk away and let her drift off to the soothing sound of a faith-filled story” says our test mum. They have scrapped the subscription model and offer simple in-app purchases per story now - so once you pay for a story you never have to pay for that story again. You get 5 free stories. It's cute, simple and full of Biblical truth. Highly recommend!
#30+Stories #NewStoriesAddedPeriodically #InAppPurchases
Bible ABCs by Joel Carlson/Salvation Story
Educational 9/10
Fun Factor 7/10
Ages 3-5
A brightly coloured, alphabet game that teaches kids to draw the alphabet AND links each letter to a character from the Bible (A for Adam, B for Benjamin, C for Caleb etc.). You can choose both capital and small letter options. After each letter is a little rhyming story and a reference to where to find that character in the Bible. In the latest update, there's now a spelling activity too! The spellings are all the same words/names as the letter training (so maybe not the most useful words to know!) but all letters are provided and the children just have to match them to the letter shadows. The audio tells you the letter name as well as the sound which is helpful. The age range is perfect for pre-schoolers and the first year or two of primary school. It’s very simple to navigate, beautifully made, accurate images, helps children develop basic skills and a great complement to reading the Bible with your kids.
#Free #Preschooler #BibleCharacters #NoAdverts #offline #singleplayer
Other apps by this developer - iOS Only (that means only available on an apple device)
Noah’s Bible Memory (4 years+ and educational. An effective way to memorise Bible verses if a bit confusing at first)
Noah’s Bunny Problem (4 years+ and hilarious!)
Bible Colouring for Kids (2-5 years and the most intuitive colouring app I have found, but the pictures are a bit complicated for little ones)
#InAppPurchases #PureFun #Games #Kids #GrownUpsToo
Jesus Loves Me by Listener Kids
Educational Factor 7/10
Fun Factor 10/10
Ages 3-6
This app is another favourite that has been around a long time and has only got better with time. The in-app purchases are well worth it. This is the sweetest app in the app store! There are 4 sections: One full of music videos that you can also find on YouTube and buy on DVD, another is a simple memory game, another allows a child to record themselves singing the Jesus Loves Me song, karaoke style, with a variety of different backing tracks (3 types of remix) which you can save and listen to later. The final section is my personal favourite - 12 different memory verses with simple, profound and memorable explanations. I wish I’d made this app! When my kids were between 3-6 they played this all the time, learned the song by heart and would sing it loudly - much to several shop assistants’ delight! It also comes in French.
#PartiallyFree #InAppPurchases #TotallyWorthIt #MemoryVerses #BibleSongs #MusicVideos #MultipleLanguages
FaithSteps by Kati Herrington - iOS only
Educational Factor 7/10
Fun Factor 6/10
Ages 4 + (specifically designed for children with learning disabilities)
This app is a library of digital books, designed for children with additional learning needs, by a Mum of a child with additional learning needs, based in Australia. You can have a book read to you, or read along with your child, and they fill in the missing spaces with pictures in order to tell the story.
The first ‘book’ is based on Genesis 1 and is free. All other books are an in-app purchase and if you enjoy the app, I highly recommend buying a book or two to encourage this ministry and help it to flourish. However, my four year old did find the story about Saul persecuting the church to be a bit scary. This confirms to me that the app is probably better for older children who need (or appreciate) the extra support with reading.
#FirstBookFree #InAppPurchases #ReadingApp #BibleStories #iOSonly
Minno- Kid’s Bible Videos by Winsome Truth Inc
Educational: 10/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Ages 3-10
This app is like a Christian Netflix for kids. It single handedly proves there is so much more Christian content for children than just VeggieTales (which were no longer available on Minno at the time of writing but honestly, you won’t miss it with all the choice here). Favourites in our house are the Owlegories show and Bible Man -I have found myself singing the theme tune more than once when there are no kids around. There are lots of familiar faces from both the USA and the UK which I really appreciate: devotionals with Gemma Hunt from CBeebies, Cheeky Pandas, Yancy and my friend, Chip Kendall, to name a few. Some of the content is not specifically Christian but either educational - like Brewster the Rooster - or fun - like the Stop and Go game for preschoolers. Newer content includes a series on Young David (What a great idea! I wish I’d written it) and animated episodes of the ‘Laugh and Grow Bible’ which you may already own. Definitely worth giving it a go with the free trial and I also recommend subscribing to their email newsletter - it’s full of free downloads and support for families to learn together, which is what God for Kids is all about too.
#Subscription #7DayFreeTrial #StreamingApp #Videos #ChurchAtHome #FamilyDevotions #Games #Educational
Yippee TV by Yippee Entertainment, Inc.
Educational: 7/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Ages 3-14
If Minno is the Christian Netflix then Yippee is more like a Christian YouTube Kids. Yippee has collated content from all over and put it in one place - like VeggieTales, Superbook, Listener Kids, Yancy and other names you might already recognise. It's different to Minno because it has a lot of YouTube-style content like Minecraft Bible-builds, funny animal videos and vlogs of every sort, by both teenagers and adults - not as much specifically Christian content as Minno but all of it vetted and approved by Christians. So even if you find that stuff annoying, your kids are going to love it. It has a lot of episodes, seasons and short videos but also movies too! I personally love the Daily Devo show which is a more professional version of the daily devo’s I made on Facebook during the 2020 lockdown. Yippee must have seen them and been inspired! (Yeah, right!)
I like that the videos keep running after the last one is finished, especially if you're watching short 3-4 minute videos (which Minno also does). I like that you can minimise the screen on your tablet or phone and keep doing stuff in the background (which Minno doesn’t). And I like that you can download it onto your TV using a Firestick (which is also true of Minno). So both these apps can totally replace YouTube and Netflix on your TV.
#PaidSubscription #7DayFreeTrial #StreamingApp #Videos #FaithBasedShows #BibleStudy #Movies #FamilyDevotions #FunnyVids
Bible Kids by Brunstad Christian Church Media
Educational: 9/10
Fun Factor: 6/10
Ages 3-12
Bible Kids is a collection of about 77 short animations, 11 music videos and 3 games all based on Bible Stories or Biblical teaching. They are in seasons and episodes, a bit like other video-streaming apps, using a simple style animation appropriate for for primary school age children. Most of the videos are also available on their YouTube channel but the games are unique!
Of the 3 simple games, my favourite is the one about the heart. It makes sense if you also watch Episode 1 in the “What does it mean” series. The idea is: you keep the door of your heart open to the good and closed to the bad. It’s a fun little game that actually made me think about times I’ve let bad thoughts fester in my heart. So simple, yet effective!
As a discerning adult, it’s always good to know who the developers are of any Christian app. Brunstad Christian Church is an international network of churches that originated in Norway and has its roots as a pentecostal, evangelical church. They are missional focussed and passionate about children and using media to communicate the gospel.
#Free #StreamingApp #Videos #BibleShows #Shorts #GamesWithMeaning
Bible Stories Collection by Lisbon Labs - iOS only
Educational: 6/10
Fun: 3/10
Ages: 2+ if the narration is used or 7+ for the child to read independently.
This app contains 14 stories from the first half of Genesis, each of which sits in its own place on a bookcase. You can read them aloud to your child or your child can be read to by the narrator. The illustrations are beautiful and the text is well thought out but it’s fairly basic with very little interaction. In fact, you can set the app to auto-play and just read through the book without any interaction at all - so it’s more of an audiobook with pictures. The story of creation is free but if you want the other stories they are 99p each or all for £3.99. This is really good value, especially as it’s a one-time purchase, not a subscription.
#iOSonly #InAppPurchases #BibleStories #YoungChildren #iOSonly
Soultime by Soultime Media Ltd
Educational: 6/10
Fun Factor: 3/10 (It’s meant to be calming, not fun)
Ages: For Grown-ups and teenagers but with content for children of all ages
What’s this app doing in a list for children? You may well ask since it’s a Christian meditation app for adults. Back in 2021 they launched some features for parents and children but I also think this app could be great for teenagers - especially the mood tracker which helps you check in to see how you’re doing in your relationships with yourself, others and God. For parents, there’s a series by Danny Silk on praying over your children. The specifically children’s features (so far) are 6 lullaby songs to help your child sleep: Jesus Loves Me, Amazing Grace, Jesus Loves the Little Children, The Lord’s My Shepherd, All Through the Night and What Child is This? Of course, you can buy lullaby CDs or use any music streaming app for free but there are also a few child friendly stories that you can have read to you - like Anne of Green Gables, Pilgrim’s Progress and ‘Stories form the Bible’ (read by David Holt). I do believe it’s worth trying out Soultime for the 7 day trial to see if you like the children’s features but it’s probably only worth the subscription if you’ll also use it for yourself. It is after all, a grown up app.
#Subscription #7DayfreeTrial #ChristianMeditation #BibleStories #ChildrensLullabies
Over 5 year olds
Guardians of Ancora by Scripture Union
Educational: 8/10
Fun Factor 10/10
Ages 6-15
Once your child turns 7 or 8 years old, this is the app to get. You get to play inside the world of first century Galilee as an observer and participant to the life and miracles of Jesus. It’s adventurous and allows a child to be curious and wonder about the life and times of Jesus. It’s also gently peppered with thought-provoking questions and Bible verses. It has expanded a lot since it first came out so if you haven’t checked it out for a while, I recommend having another look. I personally love the prayer section because it is the only Christian app for kids’ that gives such a priority to developing a child’s prayer life. It is a really fun interactive app which makes the learning more memorable. Lots to do and lots of learning to happen!
#Free #AdventureGame #Prayer #BibleTrivia #offline
Greatest Journey by Samaritan’s Purse
Educational: 10/10
Fun Factor: 10/10
Age: 6-9 (5yrs with a bit of help at the start)
This app is so good, it made my 5 year old cry when she completed it because there were no more adventures to play! Very well made with fun interactive elements. It’s a bit like a TV show (think Octonauts) but with interactive bits. There’s a long intro but with patience you WILL get to be that spaceship captain who zips through galaxies to seek and find hidden objects and collect rewards.
You start by creating your own boy/girl avatar with choice of glasses, skin colour, hairstyles etc and later you change outfits to really make the character your own. Ultimately, this is a discipleship program that takes you through 12 sections of the Bible from the perspective of an outsider from the future but with a bit of humour and a lot of interactive fun along the way e.g. seek and find games, scanning new planets, shooting at meteors etc. My 5-year-old finds it really engaging ("I get to be a ship's captain!") but needs a bit of help with the navigation so I'd say ideally this is for 6 years plus.
#Free #AdventureGame #BibleStories #Games #Animations #MultipleAvatars #iOS #Android #BetterOniPad
The Superbook Kids Bible App by CBN
Educational: 10/10
Fun Factor: 7/10
Ages 6-11+
This app is choc-full of fantastic, high quality content, not least of all is the whole of the Bible in 11 different English versions and 31 other languages too! There are high quality video episodes, games, character profiles, daily quests, a personal space to subscribe and collect stuff. There is so much that I find it hard to know where to start and what to do next. You can play for hours and still find more! If you find yourself a bit overwhelmed at first, the best thing is to go to the actual text of the Bible, read it, and tap on any icons you come across to link to a video/activity relevant to that part of the Bible. This way, you can see how everything fits together around the spine of the Word of God. I think this is a great way for children and pre-teens especially to read the Bible and have fun at the same time. I especially appreciate the many different ways that they give you to memorise Bible verses - really unique and helpful!
#Free #Videos #Games #Bible #MultipleTranslations #MultipleLanguages
The Journey of Grace by The Church of the Nazarene - iOS only
Educational: 5/10 (It’s more inspirational and contemplative than educational)
Fun Factor: 7/10
Ages 6+ but ideal for 9-16 years
This is a video game that my 7 year old simple adores. It doesn’t mention God explicitly and instead follows a kind of Narnia way of teaching about Grace, allowing children to join the dots themselves. The illustrations, style and gameplay is perfect for preteens to teenagers with a slightly moody ‘other-worldly’ feel to it that this age group often enjoy. (Very similar feel to ‘The Last Campfire’ video game.) In fact, my favourite feature is the music. It’s peaceful, calming and stunningly beautiful.
It’s a simple game. It has 3 adventures. Each adventure has a little animated story about pre-teen Grace and her mother. Grace seems to be starting a new school and is feeling all sorts of emotions. Her mother takes her on the journey of grace so she can face the world with peace and confidence.
Then you play. You direct Grace through a world of ropes, trees and rocks which she has to maneuver to get to the end.
This game is designed by our friend, George Herrera, who wrote a blog for us in February 2022 called “Can my child find God in a Video Game?”. He partnered with The Church of Nazarene to create this video game for one purpose: to help children find Grace.
#Free #Storybased #Game #iOS #Android #Inspirational #Seekerfriendly #phoneonly #iOSonly
David vs Goliath AR by Missional Generation - iOS only
Educational: 2/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Ages 3-50
This is an Augmented Reality (AR) App which means it kind of projects an image into the room in which you are standing - except only when you’re looking through your phone. You don’t need to buy any equipment to make AR apps work (you do for Virtual Reality apps but not Augmented Reality apps). You can play this anytime, anywhere and it’s pretty cool. AR has the wow factor that kids love but to be honest, it’s pretty short lived. So for that reason, this is a great app to use for a Sunday morning kids church or Friday night youth group as a one-off but you don’t have to worry about your kids spending hours getting addicted to it. This game is a lot of fun - Goliath is ‘projected’ into your room, larger than life, and you have to aim your slingshot at him to knock him out. What could be more simple or fun for 5 minutes?
#Free #AugmentedReality #Games #iOSonly
1. 12 Revelations of Christmas, another AR app but this one requires you to purchase a set of physical cards. The app scans these cards to create the nativity scene in your room, through your phone;
2. Missional generation: See below
3. Exalt: Review to be added someday
4. New Wine Family AR (see below)
5. MGAR: Review to be added someday.
6. Gingerbread Advent AR
7. VR Ireland Church Tour
David.Goliath by Righteous Tales - iOS only
Educational: 6/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Ages: 5-12+
Another excellent, well produced app which you can play for free but is totally worth the very low-priced in-app purchase to get the full experience. My 4 year old can just about play this game - because the explanation of how to play is so clear - but it is probably better for 5 or 6 years and above. It’s an interactive story about David, starting from when he was a shepherd boy. You tap on images to find ‘secrets’ and unlock ‘achievements’ and there are games like practising with a slingshot or beating up a lion. This app tells the story with a cheeky sense of humour without being disrespectful at all (like sheep eating pizza and playing video games for example) so kids will love it! I highly recommend this game.
#LearningStory #BibleCharacter #InteracitveBibleStory #Games #InAppPurchases #TotallyWorthIt #iOSonly
New Wine Family AR by Missional Generation - iOS only
Educational: 9/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Ages: 7-12+
This app is a series of Bible Stories and games based on 3 central characters: Moses, David and Peter. There are 16 levels altogether (6 for Moses, 6 for David and 4 for Peter) and each one has 15-20 minutes of content. The Bible story is told in audio mode with some kind of simple animation to keep you focussed - occasionally with interactive elements, like bowing down to God. There are also a group of animated teenagers who introduce or explain the story.
You can play in AR mode or turn it off.
All the games involve movement - you’re a cute, stripy cat exploring an environment to find, collect or catch things. I particularly like the game where you have to find each element of the tabernacle. It’s a great way to teach children how the tabernacle was made and what each of the elements are.
The script is well written, not cheesy or boring, it’s accurate to the Bible and with solid application to a child’s life today.
Age wise, a child needs to be old enough to read because all the game play instructions are word-based (including the how-to video). Also, the game play is tricky in places so definitely not great for under 5s and probably best for the 7-12 age group.
#AR #Games #BibleLessons #Interactive #Engaging #Free #iOSonly
Over 8 Years Old
UCB Spark by United Christian Broadcasters
Educational: 8/10
Engaging: 9/10
Ages: 10-12s
UCB - that’s the United Christian Broadcasters who produce UCB1 and UCB2 radio stations plus they publish the free devotional ‘Word for Today’ - have recently released a brand new app for pre-teens. It’s a very simple, elegantly designed devotional app for 9-13 year olds to connect with God independently, on issues that matter most to them. It starts every day with a video - just the kind of video your preteen is possibly already watching online - funny, quirky, mixed graphics, choppy editing etc. followed by a few simple response questions. It’s theme-based, discussing what the Bible has to say about issues like anxiety, bullying, family, forgiveness, friendship, guilt, identity and love. Exactly the themes that this age group are dealing with on a daily basis. If you’re familiar with UCB you’ll recognise some of the voices of the people in the videos. Each devotion only takes a minute or two. It’s very well thought through and very well designed for this age group and I fully recommend giving it a go.
#Free #BibleDevotional #Preteens #Video #Themebased #ThoughtProvoking
Adventures In Odyssey Club by Focus on the Family
Fun Factor: 8/10
Educational: 7/10
Age: 8-12 (younger kids with adult support)
This app is jam packed with content. There are comic stories to read, episodes to listen to and videos to watch all featuring the inhabitants of Odyssey. Odyssey and it's characters were created by Focus on the Family and has been around in various formats since 1987.
While some content is available for free (i.e. the 'radio page'), to access most of the content, including newly released episodes, you must create an account. You can choose from 3 levels of subscription and you can create up to 8 profiles meaning that your children can all have different episodes saved, can collect their own badges for completing adventures etc.
Each episode of Adventures in Odyssey has a main teaching point which is linked to a short devotional to help children apply this to their own lives as well as a relevant Bible verse.
This app is aimed at children between 8 and 12. Younger children would fully enjoy listening to the stories and watching the episodes however, due to the amount of text in the comic strips I would say it would have to be an 8 year old with high literacy levels or being supported by an adult.
My only criticism of the app is that it is a bit busy and not the easiest to navigate but as it’s aimed at 8-12s they can most probably figure it out.
#limtedfreecontent #subscription #audiostories #devotional
Brilliant Bible by Brilliant Illustrations / Holy Bible Comics
Educational: 10/10
Fun factor: 6/10
Ages: 9+ but especially 11-16s
Where to start with this app? It is brimming full of Bible stories and plans for engaging with the Bible. You can browse the plans by most popular, by Bible character or by book meaning it is easy to find what you are looking for. There are also lots of plans which are listed as ‘coming soon’ and what I particularly like is it tells you how long until each of these plans will be available. Each plan features the Bible story in a graphic novel format followed by the source passage and a thought for the day. It is a great way of getting children engaged with daily Bible reading but due to the amount of text it is definitely an app aged at older children. The recommended age is 9+ and I think this would be great for teens too especially if they are fans of graphic novels which so many are. This is not a free app - it uses a monthly or annual subscription model. It comes with a week's free trial so I highly recommend spending a few days using the trial to see if it will work well for your family. You can add up to 6 people on one family plan so if you’re using it fully, it is good value for money.
#IOS #Android #Subscription #FreeTrial #Bible #BibleStories #DailyDevotion#AdventureGame #Allegory
Missional Generation by Missional Generation
Educational: 7/10
Fun Factor 6/10
Age 13-50
This is for your older Christian child and their youth leaders, to help them to share their faith with their friends. It’s jam-packed with resources for devotions, mission ideas, teaching series etc. all with video content. The content is filtered to your specifications depending on if you are a youth or a youth leader.
#Free #Video #Testimony #Teaching #Devotions #YouthLeadersToo
Bible Trivia Game: Heroes by General Conference Corporation of Seventh-Day Adventists
Educational: 7/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Age: 9+ for style but 13+ because there’s a direct link to the internet within this app which makes it unsafe for children
This is a Seventh-Day Adventist app (which may or may not make a difference to you). It presents a paraphrased version of Bible characters’ stories and then asks you questions based on that story (with a timer) and you get points for correct answers. It’s aimed at older kids with a very cool action, superhero, comic-book style - it’s very dramatic! There are some exciting gameplay elements and extra challenges if you’re willing to create an account. There are also links to other services - but beware that they directly open pages on your internet browser, Facebook Messenger (to ask for prayer from the Seventh Day Adventist Church) and your device’s app store so for that reason alone, it’s not suitable for a small child to be left unsupervised with this game.
#Free #DirectLinkToInternet #AdventureGame #BibleTrivia #SeventhDayAdventist
Play the Bible Ultimate Verses by RD Games
Educational: 10/10
Fun Factor 9/10
Age 13+ (adult friendly too)
RD Games have released five Bible apps but I’m going to focus on my favourite called ‘Play the Bible Ultimate Verses’ as it’s truly unique.
You basically cover each letter of the Bible verse with a coloured square that drops from above and you have to make sure each word is the same colour to complete it. It’s so simple but slightly addictive (in a good way, like picking blackberries) and you can’t help but learn your Bible at the same time. And here’s the amazing part - it goes through EVERY SINGLE VERSE IN THE ENTIRE BIBLE! And it checks at the end of the verse to see if you were paying attention.
Sometimes an app is mostly Bible teaching with a bit of game play (like God for Kids or the Bible App for Kids), others are mostly games with a bit of the Bible (like Noah’s Elephant in the Room) but this one is truly impressive. It’s an app that has found a genuine way to ‘play’ with the text of the Bible that is both educational and fun.
#FreeToDownload #InAppPurchases #Optional #Teenagers #Adults #MemoryVerse #MemorisingScripture #Moreish #SeeOtherAppsByRDGames
Other Apps by this Developer:
Adventures of the Old Testament by Rokit Games
Educational: 4/10
Fun Factor 8/10
Age 10+
This app is next level! Made of 3 things: Read, Watch and Play.
There are a series of Old Testament Stories: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Tower of Babel, Job, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Israelites in exodus, Joshua, Ehud, Deborah, Samson, Ruth & Samuel (12 more are ‘coming soon’). They all have a Bible passage to read and an animated video to watch.
Four of them also have a really good game to play. In each game, you are the character in your world and you have to move around to find things (Adam and Eve, Noah), fight people (Noah, Abraham, Lot) or throw things and dodge fire and brimstone from heaven (Lot). My favourite is Lot. (There are disclaimers to say which bits are from the Bible and which bits are added for adventure & fun).
Problems: the menu is tiny on a phone (but the rest is fine on a small screen), it doesn’t say which Bible version is being quoted and you can’t switch off the music in settings (you can make it very quiet, but not muted).
You can ‘unlock all levels’ for just 99p but all the levels are already unlocked so maybe that’s just incentive to help fund the ‘coming coon’ features - which promise to be exciting!
#FreeToDownload #InAppPurchases #Optional #Teenagers #Adults #BibleStories #Adventure #Fighting #TeachableMoments #Videogame
Has this been helpful to you?
Have we missed your favourite app or has there been an update we haven’t mentioned? Please leave us a comment.