Is God Very Strong?
by Joanne Gilchrist, children’s author and charity founder
What version of this question have you or your child ever asked? Perhaps “Can God help me?”, “Will God protect me?” or even “Why didn’t God protect them….?” I’d love to shed some light on where God can be found in the storms of life and how you can help your child run to the strong tower of God and His word.
One of the First Names of God
The Strong God is how God first chose to reveal himself to Abraham in Genesis 17:1 (NIV)
“Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.”
And then again with his grandson, Jacob. See Genesis 35:10-12, The Message …
“God revealed himself once again to Jacob … From now on your name is Israel (God-Wrestler) …
I am The Strong God.
Have children! Flourish!
A nation—a whole company of nations!—
will come from you.
Kings will come from your loins;
the land I gave Abraham and Isaac
I now give to you,
and pass it on to your descendants.”
The Message version of the Bible translates the ancient Hebrew word ‘El-Shaddai’, usually translated ‘God Almighty’, into ‘The Strong God’, which I really love.
Isn’t it amazing that the whole nation of Israel was established based on God’s promise that He is ‘The Strong God’?!
Strong in a Storm
Abraham and Israel both depended on ‘The Strong God’, not because they lived a pain-free, sheltered life, but because they walked with God, trusted God, even wrestled with God and found Him both faithful and strong.
But what about us, today? Is God still strong when we need him the most?
Grunt’s Story: “Is God Very Strong?” by Joanne Gilchrist
Our book, “Is God Very Strong?”, is not the story of a fun-loving, happy-go-lucky ox without problems or worries. Not at all! It’s about a character who is doing his best to do a good job. He is a farmer who works hard, provides for others and always helps people in need.
He’s what everyone else would call a good person (or a good ox!).
But something really bad happens to Grunt when a storm whips his house away and the wind scatters everything he has worked hard for. Grunt hasn’t done anything to deserve this and God has not prevented this from happening to him.
Does this sound familiar?
Where is God in this situation?
First, God is still with them. God hasn’t left or gone anywhere. If you own the book, can you find Rü on every page? Rü represents the Holy Spirit.
Second, God listens to their prayers and begins to answer them right away. Can you see the little ray of hope in the distance?
Third, God guides them towards safety. Along the way, Grunt is able to help his other friends – Roar the Lion who has been hurt by flying debris and Bleat the Sheep who is stuck in a bush. Would Grunt have been there to help, if his home hadn’t flown away?
Fourth, God provides them with a safe place during the storm. Do you notice that the tower is not new, it has been there all along? Often, God’s provision is set in place long before we need it. God is all-knowing, after all!
In the safe place, the animals have space to rest and recover. The storm has taken its toll – some of them are in pain and need to heal, some of them are worn out and all of them are worried about the future. God’s Word provides comfort and hope to them during this time with
“The Lord is like a strong tower, those who do what is right can run to it for safety.” Proverbs 18:10 (ICB)
If you follow God, put your trust in Jesus and turn to Him in any storm then you are one of ‘those who do what is right’ because that’s exactly the right thing to do!
Fifth, God is working on their behalf while they rest and recover. If you look through the window, you’ll see Rü is out in the storm. Rü is working on the miracle that they will only discover at the end.
5. God is working for us
I have lost count of the number of times that God has worked a miracle during difficult times. Often, it only becomes obvious once the difficulty has passed and you walk out into the sunshine and notice all that God has done for you and is still doing for you.
But Jesus said to them, “My Father never stops working. And so I work, too.” John 5:17 (ICB)
At the very end of our book, the animals of Eden Valley celebrate with cake under a rainbow. When you see a rainbow in the sky, it means the rain is passing and the light is shining out again. This beautiful, colourful gift from God is a symbol of better and brighter things to come. Just like it was with Noah, it is still true today.
Is God Still Very Strong?
When you or your child experience some kind of storm, perhaps bullying or nightmares, family grief or friendship woes, read this story together and recognise:
· God is with you in the storm
· God is listening to your prayers
· God provides little rays of sunshine in the distance – can you recognise them?
· God will guide you
· God can use you in the storm to help others
· God will provide for you
· God is working for you, even if you can’t see it
· One day, in the future, you will eat cake!
“Blessed are those who are sad, they will be comforted” Matthew 5:4 (NIRV)
God is Strong After a Storm
God has always been El Shaddai: ‘The Strong God’. If you struggle with this idea, be like Jacob and don’t let go of God until you know the truth. If you’re in any kind of storm, run to God and He will always prove Himself faithful.
Joanne Gilchrist is a writer, a mum of three and founder of the charity Ruach Resources. She is passionate about drawing others, especially children, closer to Jesus and has a Graduate Certificate in Theology, Ministry and Mission.