Sharing the goodness of God with the next generation
Your Blog
If you’re here, you’re probably a parent, carer, grandparent or children’s worker who just wants to do your best for the kids in your care.
That’s Amazing! God really, really loves children and so do we. So let us support you. Each month we feature a parent, an expert or an author who has something to help you disciple your children and lead them to Jesus.
Top Tips for Prayer Walking with Kids
by Joanne Gilchrist
"I’ve never been much of a walker but I grew with a youth leader who loved hiking! One day, our youth leader decided we should start prayer-walking round the streets of our home-town on a Friday evening. Great, I thought. Two of my least favourite things - walking and praying aloud. But something amazing happened on those prayer walks and I found my voice. I discovered I could pray in a way I’d never imagined. I prayed with passion, with conviction - in spirit and in truth. What was it that made the difference?"
Where Does God Live?
by Fiona Walton, primary school teacher, author, Mum and Grandma
As adults perhaps a question we are inclined to ask is, “Where is God to be found when I need him?” or as children might put it, “Where does God live?”
What does the Bible say?
Light in the Darkness
by Susan Box, illustrator and Designer “Conversation Starters”
Ask most people what advent means to them and you’ll hear mention of chocolate shapes behind cardboard doors, ordering turkeys or rushing to get the last “must-have” toy.
But, as followers of Jesus, advent is a time of watching and waiting. It’s a season all of its own, and we’re missing out if we treat it as simply a stepping stone to Christmas Day.
Talking to Your Child About The Supernatural Gifts of God
by Ashley Davidson, Mum, Pastor and Author
I believe our children’s generation is one that is destined to walk in the supernatural gifts of God. I have heard so many prophetic words about their generation seeing revival, seeing God’s glory and a move of the Holy Spirit so great that it changes our world. Because of this, my heart is to raise my kids in an atmosphere where they daily experience God’s tangible presence, receive His blessing and have shared experiences and encounters with each other and Holy Spirit.
Preparing our Kids – and Ourselves - for The Social Media World
by Becky Sedgewick, Parenting for Faith
For most of us, our journey of parenthood starts with a tiny person handed to us. And our instinct is to protect them, keep them close and keep them safe from everything.
But we can’t do that. So what we do is to start to equip them to manage being out there in the world. How do we prepare our children when it comes to social media.
Tips for Intentional Parenting and Screen Time
by Alice Deanie, Mum, retired nurse and Head of Togetherness at Around The Box
There is a place and time for everything, but what does that look like as a busy mum to four in a new season?! I love the passage in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, as it empowers me to have healthy boundaries and recognise that my life goes through seasons. I can rest in knowing God is in control, to lean into the season and to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Can my child find Jesus in a video game?
by Jorge Herrera from Discover God Video Games
I often have parents come up to me and ask me about the value of video games to Christian parents. After all, who wants their child to find Jesus in a video game? Children already spend a lot of time on parents' phones or their own tablets so we want our children to use that time wisely, not spent on mindless entertainment. Thankfully…
What does it mean to be born again?
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
Should we impose limits on our kids screen time this summer? How and what kind?
Here’s a few ideas for you to pick and choose from.
5 Tips for Managing Kids’ Screen Time
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
Some apps are educational, some apps are just for fun and some apps are simply there to make money. Which are which? We have been downloading, testing and playing Christian kids apps since 2015 so here’s some facts (with a bit of opinion!) to help you decide which apps to download for your family:
3 ideas to Pray with your Child, Toddler and Baby - in Rhyme!
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
ABCs, a nature trail and Baby Massage Blessing: 3 ideas to pray together to communicate and connect with each other and with your heavenly Father.
Family Bible & Prayer Time - where do I start?
by Joanne Gilchrist, writer and founder of Ruach Resources
The 23rd March, 2020 was the first day of the UK “lock-down” and a day of new beginnings. For Joanne Gilchrist (creator of God for Kids app) and her family, it was a day of good intentions. “Finally,” methought, “we have the time to do the things we have always been too busy to do.” Like family devotion/prayer/worship/Bible time (or whatever you call it where you are from).