Where Does God live?

from £6.79

by Fiona Walton and Joanne Gilchrist

  • 3-8 year olds

  • Dyslexic Friendly

  • 32 pages + 4 pages front and back covers

Who can I talk to up here on my own?

I could talk to God but I don’t have a phone.

I must find God’s house, does He live in a tree?

Or dwell in a cave? Or under the sea?

Fly with Shriek the eagle, all over the world as he searches for God. His friends all have homes but what about God?

Is God in heaven or here on earth with us?

In this story, Rü introduces himself as the Holy Spirit, the one sent by God to be with us.

Rü tell’s Shriek the story of Immanuel - how God came to dwell among us as Jesus and how Jesus died and rose again and went to heaven.

So God is both in heaven and here on earth which means, wherever we go we can talk - and squawk! - to God anytime, anywhere and we call it: “PRAYER”.

This adventurous, gospel-centred story will help you explore questions about where God lives, how we can pray and how His Spirit is with us wherever we go, when we believe in God’s son, Jesus.

At the end, there’s a memory verse (Psalm 139: 5 - 8), prayer and wondering questions to open up the conversation between kids and their grown-ups about the nature and character of God.

All proceeds go towards Ruach Resources, charity number 1197062, to help create more conversation-starting, faith-inspiring resources for children and their grown-ups.

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by Fiona Walton and Joanne Gilchrist

  • 3-8 year olds

  • Dyslexic Friendly

  • 32 pages + 4 pages front and back covers

Who can I talk to up here on my own?

I could talk to God but I don’t have a phone.

I must find God’s house, does He live in a tree?

Or dwell in a cave? Or under the sea?

Fly with Shriek the eagle, all over the world as he searches for God. His friends all have homes but what about God?

Is God in heaven or here on earth with us?

In this story, Rü introduces himself as the Holy Spirit, the one sent by God to be with us.

Rü tell’s Shriek the story of Immanuel - how God came to dwell among us as Jesus and how Jesus died and rose again and went to heaven.

So God is both in heaven and here on earth which means, wherever we go we can talk - and squawk! - to God anytime, anywhere and we call it: “PRAYER”.

This adventurous, gospel-centred story will help you explore questions about where God lives, how we can pray and how His Spirit is with us wherever we go, when we believe in God’s son, Jesus.

At the end, there’s a memory verse (Psalm 139: 5 - 8), prayer and wondering questions to open up the conversation between kids and their grown-ups about the nature and character of God.

All proceeds go towards Ruach Resources, charity number 1197062, to help create more conversation-starting, faith-inspiring resources for children and their grown-ups.

by Fiona Walton and Joanne Gilchrist

  • 3-8 year olds

  • Dyslexic Friendly

  • 32 pages + 4 pages front and back covers

Who can I talk to up here on my own?

I could talk to God but I don’t have a phone.

I must find God’s house, does He live in a tree?

Or dwell in a cave? Or under the sea?

Fly with Shriek the eagle, all over the world as he searches for God. His friends all have homes but what about God?

Is God in heaven or here on earth with us?

In this story, Rü introduces himself as the Holy Spirit, the one sent by God to be with us.

Rü tell’s Shriek the story of Immanuel - how God came to dwell among us as Jesus and how Jesus died and rose again and went to heaven.

So God is both in heaven and here on earth which means, wherever we go we can talk - and squawk! - to God anytime, anywhere and we call it: “PRAYER”.

This adventurous, gospel-centred story will help you explore questions about where God lives, how we can pray and how His Spirit is with us wherever we go, when we believe in God’s son, Jesus.

At the end, there’s a memory verse (Psalm 139: 5 - 8), prayer and wondering questions to open up the conversation between kids and their grown-ups about the nature and character of God.

All proceeds go towards Ruach Resources, charity number 1197062, to help create more conversation-starting, faith-inspiring resources for children and their grown-ups.

“This bright and cheerful book provides a fun and engaging way to help children understand that God is ALWAYS with us! In simple ways, the colourful characters explore the story of Jesus, the Bible and the Holy Spirit and will even help them to begin to pray for themselves.” - The Rt Revd Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster

“What a delightful book for introducing children to a tricky question using the Bible and prayer! It has a lovely flow and the characters really come to life in the story. Part of a super series to share with younger children and for those reading for themselves.” - Kerry Jane Evans, Head of Open the Book at Bible Society

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UK: Calculated at checkout (from £1.79 for one book, £2.99 for 3-4 books) First and second class options available.

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